Baker Park Senior Session- Cassie

Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures

I had such a fun senior session with Cassie at Baker Park and Carroll Creek. Cassie smiles and laughs so easily, so it was a breeze to get great photos of her. Plus, she’s gorgeous!

upbeat, joyful, and optimistic

After a full day of movers packing all of our stuff, this session was a breath of fresh air. It was so nice to get out of my house and do something that I love! Cassie is like a ray of sunshine. She’s upbeat, joyful, and optimistic for the future. I love that!

As we were walking to Carroll Creek, she told me she plans on going to Towson in Baltimore and majoring in communications. She has her future mapped out, which is definitely different than when I was a senior. Her older sister also goes to Towson, so it should be a pretty smooth transition.

Color Guard

While she was in high school, Cassie was part of the color guard. She could not be persuaded to do any flag spins for us, however. Is that even the right terminology for color guard? Probably not. I was in marching band in high school and even a little bit at Kansas State University, so it was a lot of fun to talk about marching band with her.


Cassie doesn’t feel at all like she’s missed anything from her senior year in high school. The community here in Frederick and her high school have gone to great lengths to make the seniors feel special and loved. When she named all the different things they’ve done for her to help her celebrate graduating, it really is amazing!

Thanks so much for letting me take your pictures, Cassie! I had so much fun! I hope you have an amazing time at Towson and you accomplish everything you hoped you would. You’re amazing and I know you will do great things!



For more baker park pictures, go here, here, here.

For more senior sessions, go here, here, here.


Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures


Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures

Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures  Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures

Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures  Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures

Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures  Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures

Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures  Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures  Baker Park and carroll creek senior pictures

  1. Ashley says:

    I love the way you laid this out! Beautiful photos!

  2. Hayley says:

    Wow what a gorgeous senior session – these are amazing

  3. Court says:

    Beautiful! So glad to hear a senior who didn’t feel like she missed out!

  4. Blak says:

    Oh these are just so beautiful! & i love the location that you guys used!!

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