Baker Park, Fall Family Pictures, Kane Family

The Kane family was such a pleasure to work with for their fall family pictures at Baker Park. You can tell how much love they have for each other just by looking at them, so that was really fun for me.

If you’re lucky in life, maybe you will get to meet someone with an incredibly sweet spirit like Landon. He was so patient with me messing with his schedule and getting into his space, and I was so grateful for that. He really loved feeding the ducks, so we watched him do that for a while. He giggled and laughed the entire time, and that was just so amazing to see. I loved every minute of watching him feed ducks.

It turns out that Sandy is a part time bar tender and Nathan is a police officer. For some reason, I found that so funny, and we joked about them probably running into the same people at their different jobs.

Their baby, Evan, was so sweet! He barely made any noises at all and just went with the flow. I love that he was okay with me cooing at him and taking lots of pictures of his face. I have no chill when it comes to babies. I LOVE babies you guys.

I hope you enjoy the Kane family as much as I did!


a family of 4 feed ducks at baker park a family of 4 feeds ducks for fall family pictures a family of 4 pose for the camera at baker park a fun family of 4 smiles for fall family pictures

a family smiles at baker park for fall family pictures a blonde baby boy sits in the grass at baker park

a family loves feeding ducks at baker park  a family of 4 smiles for the camera for fall family pictures  a family of 4 looks at each other at baker park a family of 4 walks down the steps in front of the bell tower

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