Joe and Kellie were so much fun to work with. They’ve been married for 15 years and are from the Boston area originally. Listening to them talk about how they met was adorable! I actually can’t remember now how they met because we started talking and laughing so much, but I think it was through […]

Today was amazing. My great friend, Doorly, invited me to come over and help her and Sasha make jam, and then take pictures of Sasha’s youngest girl in a bathtub. I was excited to be included, and I love taking pictures, so even better! Once I got there, though, she said her friend Lainey was […]

Isn’t this family just the cutest? And in case you were wondering, yes, their eyes really are that blue. No Photoshop required. They wanted to take pictures at Walkersville Community Park. I had never been there before, but Shannon made it sound really great, so I said absolutely! A couple days before the shoot, I […]

Photographing this group was truly amazing. They are a Polynesian dance group, and they’re all my friends! I am so lucky to have such insanely talented people to call friends. The leader of the group, Sia Niko, started teaching a few people who wanted to learn because it was fun, and then it got bigger […]